Contract management
In the industry of

Food and beverages

The Food and Beverage industry globally faces demanding, rapidly changing consumer preferences, mergers and acquisitions, regulatory and sustainability pressures, higher costs of ingredients and labor, and much more. At the same time, there are many significant advancements in the value chain, agricultural practices, food processing, manufacturing and packaging technology, transportation, and more.

These companies are dealing with rapidly evolving competition, dynamic global supply chains, and changing regulations. To remain competitive, companies must be more agile and stay close to both their customers and suppliers. The Food and beverage industry faces a wide range of contractual challenges spanning procurement of various types of goods and services, sales, and corporate contracts. If not addressed, these challenges have the potential to lead to higher acquisition costs, costly breaches, and dissatisfied customers.


The contracts are poorly integrates with the most commonly used critical systems: Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), and Procure to Pay (P2P), leading to compliance issues.

The sourcing and negotiation to contracting process is often fragmented, which prevents effective evaluation of supplier risks and performance tracking.

Sales and contracting occur separately, without the tools to efficiently deliver consecutive contracting which is essential to ensure proposals are effectively crafted for new clients.

The lack of visibility makes it difficult to track obligations and service level agreements in ‘product as a service’ scenarios.”

In general, there are high volumes of supply contracts in the food and beverage production chains and high numbers of contracts with customers of various sizes (supermarkets, medium, and small stores). The manual process, combined with the volume of contracting in both lines, makes this task highly resource-intensive and a significant source of financial, commercial, and reputational risk.

At the Heart of the supply chain is the contract.

What does LexDoka solve?

The storage of contracts and their attached documents stored in a centralized repository, with various options for grouping and linking between documents and with various search options.

Ability to integrte with diffrent sysytems, both for sending and receiving information.

Centralized contract generation and negotiation process within the tool, with the ability to establish necessary revisions for proper contract drafting.

Centralized sales and purchasing contract generation processes and storage of related documentation.

Unified and bulk contract generation using pre-validated and uploaded templates. Automatic generation of contracts by filling in fields, avoiding manual interaction in document preparation.

Innovating with

Enhance your contract management in your sector with LexDoka.

Request a customized demo and get a complete vision of how we will speed up your contractual process.